KVK collaborates with a number of institutions for serving the farmers in a better way. The institutions / agencies with whom KVK is collaborating and the nature of collaboration is as follows:
Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA):
As part of KVK-ATMA programmes, KVK conducts various trainings and method demonstrations for progressive farmers. KVK also attends ATMA Monthly Technology Advisory (MTA) meetings, ATMA General Body & AMC meetings. It provides technical support in formulating printed Monthly technology advisories. It also participates in the ATMA technology week celebrations. KVK also provides technology backstopping for ATMA projects.

District Administration/Collectorate:
The district collector being the chairman of Pokkali Development Agency used to consult KVK regarding technical issues in Pokkali farming.
Kerala Agricultural University (KAU): Biocontrol agents, Seeds, meetings
KVK conducts various on farm testings of the newly developed vegetable varieties as well as conducts front line demonstrations for popularizing the proved new varieties released by University. The KVK started supplying bio control agents viz., pseudomonas, trichoderma, beauveria and verticilium produced at the Rice Research Station of KAU through its sales counter. The vegetable seeds purchased in bulk from ATIC of KAU at Mannuthy, Thrissur are packed in convenience packs and supplied through KVK sales counter. KVK also attends the various Research and Extension Advisory Committee meetings.
Greater Cochin Development Authority (GCDA), Kochi
KVK associates with GCDA for organising various trainings and awareness programmes for agricultural development of Kochi.

Kudumbashree mission
KVK collaborates with the District Kudumbasree Mission for developing entrepreneurship in selected women SHG members on production and marketing of organic manures and other inputs. Similarly, KVK conducts various training programmes for Kudumbashree groups.

State Agriculture department
KVK Ernakulam supplies Organic farming inputs to Krishi Bhavans of Kerala state Agricultural Department on regular basis. KVK associates with Agriculture department in their Vegetable Development Programme as technology partner and supplier of Vegetable micronutrients. KVK experts are resource persons for the training programmes conducted by Agriculture department.
State Fisheries Department
Subsequent to the success of KVK’s integrated cage fin fish farming in Pokkali fields the Fish Farmers Development Agency (FFDA) under the State Government has initiated a subsidy scheme to further popularize this technology. KVK acted as technology partner in this programme. KVK experts are resource persons in FFDA technical trainings.
State Animal husbandry department
KVK collaborates with Animal husbandry Department in the conduct of various trainings, meetings, group discussions, exhibitions and collection of details for preparation of district specific information helpful to farmers of the Ernakulam district.

Inter KVK Collaborations
KVK collaborates with other KVK’s within the state for conduct of various training programmes specific to the district as well as in the supply of quality agro inputs to them. Similarly, KVK also collaborated with KVK’s of other district for quality seeds purchase for supply to farmers in the district.

Kerala State Planning Board
KVK associates with the Kerala State Planning Board as partner in implementation of various projects and attends the meetings and workshops organized as part of the projects.
National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB)
KVK collaborates with NFDB in the conduct of various projects and training programmes for farmers in the fisheries sector. NFDB funds KVK for implementing fisheries projects.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) recognised KVK Ernakulam as a Producer Organisation Promoting Institution (POPI) and sanctioned two Farmer Producer Companies one on Nutmeg and other on Pokkali. KVK participates in various meeting organized by NABARD in this connection.
Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI)
KVK Ernakulam produces pure Neem oil and supplies in bulk quantities to Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI) for production of their bio pesticides Nanma, Shreya and Sakthi. KVK also purchased the production protocols of CTCRI bio pesticides Nanma, Shreya and Sakthi and produces and supplies to farmers through KVK sales counter at CMFRI. The cassava extracts for production of these bio-pesticides is being supplied from CTCRI regularly.
Primary Service cooperative banks
There are more than 200 Primary Service cooperative banks in Ernakulam district, most of them are suppliers of Agriculture inputs and also loans to farmers. KVK is in the process of creating linkages with them. KVK conducts various training cum awareness programme on various topics including quality control of agro inputs for the benefit of farmers.
Local self Governments
KVK regularly participates Local self Government authorities in its programmes like harvest festivals, new projects, farm gate markets, etc.
National Institute of Fisheries Administration and Management, Aluva
KVK fisheries expert is a resource person at National Institute of Fisheries Administration and Management, Aluva in their staff capacity building programme of newly joined Sub Inspector of Fisheries and technical Assistant, Fisheries Dept., Govt. of Kerala.
National Academy for Agricultural Research Management (NAARM)
KVK is a center for NAARM Field experience training of 21 days duration for ARS probationers.

Spices Board
KVK experts are resource persons in various training programmes organized by the Spices board.