Ernakulam KVK Demonstrates Profitable Cage Fish Farming For Landless Farmers

The Krishi Vigyan Kendra Ernakulam of ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi in collaboration with Palliakkal Service Cooperative society, Ezhikkara demonstrated a lucrative model of fish farming for landless farmers. The cage fish farming was done in Veerampuzha backwaters, a public water body near Ernakulam, Kerala. The KVK initially conducted an entrepreneurship development programme for the farmers and subsequently conducted a series of follow up trainings and provided constant technology backstopping while the Society provided low interest loan to meet the farming cost. Ten metric tons of fish worth INR 50 lakh were produced by group of 30 landless young farmers during this year. Asian Seabass, Pearlspot, Red Snapper, Giant Trevally and Tilapia were the species farmed. This is the consecutive 4th year, KVK-society partnership is proving this cage fish farming model a success. Marketing being the major issue faced by farmers, the Society with guidance of KVK organized a fish tourism mela during this Christmas season where live, fresh, ready-to-cook and ready-to-eat fish varieties were made available to consumers. Wide coverage in various media attracted large number of consumers and the 4 days mela could market  2.3 MT fish worth INR. 12 lakhs. The major advantage of the mela is that this arrangement could avoid middle men and also transportation expenses thereby farmer could realize 20 per cent additional profit.