Dr.Shinoj Subramannian
Principal Scientist & Head
Email: kvk.ernakulam@icar.gov.in
Mobile: 9496303457
Ph.D. in Food and Agricultural Process Engineering
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, 2010
Conducted part of the Ph.D. research at the University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon,
Canada, through a student exchange program.
M.E. in Agricultural Processing
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), Coimbatore, 2000
B.Tech. in Agricultural Engineering
College of Agricultural Engineering, Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), Tavanur, 1998
Principal Scientist & Head
KVK (Ernakulam), ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
2018 – Present
Senior Scientist/Programme Coordinator
KVK (Ernakulam), ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute
2011 – 2017
Scientist (Agricultural Structure and Process Engineering)
Directorate of Oil Palm Research, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR),
Pedavegi, Andhra Pradesh
2003 – 2010
Assistant Engineer (Agriculture)
Department of Agriculture & Farmer’s Welfare, Government of Kerala
2001 – 2002
1. Design and Development of Agro-Processing Units
2. Value Addition of Farm Produce and Branded Product Development
3. Entrepreneurship Development and Farmer Empowerment
4. Sustainable Farming Practices and Waste Utilization
5. Natural Fibers and Bio-Composites
6. Agricultural Mechanization and farm Modernization
7. Market Linkage and Consumer Awareness
Awards and Recognitions
1. Commonwealth Student Exchange Programme Fellowship by the Canadian
Bureau of International Education, Ottawa, Canada (2008).
2. Jawaharlal Nehru Award by ICAR for Best PhD Thesis in Agricultural
Engineering (2010).
Technological Innovations
1. Developed a 1 MT/hr capacity Mini Palm Oil Mill technology package.
2. Engineered a Power Tiller Operated Mobile Waste Shredding Unit.
3. Innovated Oil Palm Fibre-Linear Low-Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) Biocomposites.
4. Created Paper Boards from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches.
5. Developed Oil Palm Fibre Pads for Environmental Control.
6. Formulated Extruded Snack Food from Minor Millet Flours.
7. Innovated Timber from Oil Palm Wood.
8. Established a Procedure for Estimating Oil Extraction Ratio (OER) in Palm Oil Mills.
9. Developed a Customized Drip Irrigation Kit for kitchen gardens.
Agricultural Entrepreneurship and Market Development
1. Established Farm Store, a Sale Outlet at KVK Ernakulam.
2. Established Farm Shoppe for branded marketing of farmers’ produce.
3. Founded a Farm Service Centre for renting out farm machinery to farmers.
4. Developed Satellite Production Centres (SPCs) for agro-input production in
partnership with farmers.
5. Popularized Farm Gate Markets for supplying live and fresh fish directly from farms.
6. Created Farm Task Forces to address the shortage of trained manpower in farms.
7. Registered Two Farmer Producer Companies in Ernakulam district, Kerala.
8. Registered a Trademark for Farmers, enhancing brand identity and market presence.
9. Organized Buyer-Seller Meets in Ernakulam to connect farmers directly with the
Revival and Promotion of Sustainable Practices
1. Revived Sugarcane Farming in Alangad, Ernakulam District after 50 years of extinction.
2. Established a Jaggery Production Unit and launched branded marketing of Alangadan Jaggery.
3. Popularized Mechanized Paddy Farming in Ernakulam district, Kerala.
4. Developed a Mini Rice Mill and branded locally produced rice.
5. Promoted Open Precision Farming of Vegetables in Ernakulam district.
6. Popularized Seed-Propagated Curry Leaf Cultivation in homesteads of Ernakulam district.
7. Introduced Rain Shelter Farming as a viable technology for year-round
vegetable production in Ernakulam district.
8. Implemented Cage Fish Farming in Pokkali Farms, providing additional income
to Pokkali farmers.
9. Introduced Tractor-Operated Shredder for in-situ composting of banana stems.
10. Developed and Popularized Soil less Planting Media for urban farming in
Ernakulam district.
11. Developed and Promoted Fishlizer, an organic manure from fish market waste.
Fish Farming and Poultry Initiatives
1. Established Farmer Entrepreneurs for Pearlspot Fish Seed Production and
devised a supply chain.
2. Popularized Indigenous Poultry Breeds Kadaknath and Thalassery in
Ernakulam district.
3. Introduced Formulated Poultry and Fish Feed under the KVK brand for farmers
in Ernakulam district.
4. Conducted Tilapia Food Fests to promote locally produced Tilapia fish,
enhancing consumer acceptability and market value.
1. S.Shinoj, R.Visvanathan, S.Panigrahi, N.Varadharaju. 2011. Dynamic Mechanical
Properties of Oil Palm Fibre (OPF)-Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)
biocomposites and Study of Fibre-Matrix Interactions. Biosystems Engineering,
109(2): 99-107.
2. S. Shinoj, S. Panigrahi, R. Visvanathan. 2010. Water Absorption Pattern and
Dimensional Stability of Oil Palm Fiber–Linear Low Density Polyethylene
Composites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 117: 1064–1075
3. S. Shinoj, R.Visvanathan, S.Panigrahi. 2010. Towards industrial utilization of oil
palm fibre: Physical and dielectric characterization of linear low density
polyethylene composites and comparison with other fibre sources. B i o systems
e n g i n e e r i n g, 1 0 6: 3 7 8-3 8 8.
4. S.Shinoj, R.Visvanathan, S.Panigrahi, M. Kochubabu. 2011. Oil palm fiber (OPF)
and its composites: A Review. Industrial Crops and Products, 33(1), 7-22.
5. Shinoj Subramanian, R. Viswanathan. 2007. Bulk density and friction
coefficients of selected minor millet grains and flours. Journal of Food
Engineering. 81: 118-126
6. S. Shinoj, R. Viswanathan, M.S. Sajeev, S.N. Moorthy. 2006. Gelatinisation and
Rheological Characteristics of Minor Millet Flours. B i o systems e n g i n e e r i n
g. 95 (1), 51–59.
7. Shinoj Subramanian, R. Viswanathan. 2003. Thermal Properties of Minor Millet
Grains and Flours. B i o systems e n g i n e e r i n g. 84 (3): 289–296
8. T. G. Sumithra, K. J. Reshma, Alan Antony, Anusree V. Nair, Shinoj
Subramannian, P. Sayooj and P. Vijayagopal.2019. Outlining Metabolic Versatility
of a Commercial Waste Composting Consortium in Fish Waste Management,
Fishery Technology 56 (2019) : 68 – 73.
9. Amala P.V., Sumithra T.G., K.J. Reshmaa, F. Anjua, Shinoj Subramannian, P.
Vijayagopal.2020. Analytical validation of a modified turbidimetric assay to
screen sulphur oxidizing bacteria, Journal of Microbiological Methods 176
(2020) 105998.
10. K Smita Sivadasan and Shinoj Subramannian.2021. Supplementation of Bypass
Fat During Early Lactation in High Yielding Cross Bred Cows Ensures Good
Returns, J Krishi Vigyan 2021, 10 (1) : 283-286.
11. P.A. Vikas and Shinoj Subramannian Evaluation of Farming Anabas testudineus
in Natural Ponds and Impact on Subsequent Crop, Indian Journal of Ecology
(2022) 49(6): 2160-2162.
12. P. A. Vikas & Shinoj Subramannian. 2022. Invasive black mussel Mytella strigata
biofouling in brackish water cage fish farms, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, DOI:
13. K Smita Sivadasan and Shinoj Subramannian.2022.Evaluation of Meat Type
Poultry Chabro in Homesteads of Kerala, J Krishi Vigyan, 11 (SI) : 30-36 DOI :
14. P.A. Vikas & Shinoj Subramannian. 2022. Seed production of Pearlspot (Etroplus
suratensis) in natural ponds, Journal of Applied Aquaculture, DOI:
15. Amala Panaparambil Vakkachan, Sumithra Thangalazhy Gopakumar, Reshma
Kalarical Janardhanan, Sayooj Pootholathil, Sneha Surendran, Anusree Velappan
Nair, Ratheesh Kumar Raveendran, Gayathri Suresh, Shinoj Subramanian,
Vijayagopal Pananghat. 2023. Degradation of marine crustacean shell wastes
through single‑stage co‑fermentation using proteolytic and chitinolytic
bacteria, Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
16. Vikas, P A and Shinoj Subramannian.2024. Farming of Peneaus vannamei in
Biofloc System: A Participatory Farmer Experiment. Fishery Technology, 61. pp.
77-81. ISSN 0015-3001.
17. Vikas, P A and Shinoj Subramannian.2023. Multistakeholder partnership in
implementing cage fish culture as a livelihood venture for rural youth: A case
study in Kerala State, South India. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 70 (4). pp. 173-
177. ISSN 0970 – 6011.
18. Vipinkumar, V P and Aswathy, N and Shinoj Subramannian and Vikas, P
A and Sreelatha, P and Athira, P V and Gills, Reshma and Anuja, A R and Swathi
Lekshmi, P S and Ramachandran, C and Narayanakumar, R and Jeeva, Charles J .
2022. Economic empowerment of SHGs through Pearlspot Seed Production
Technology. Marine Fisheries Information Service, Technical and Extension
Series (252). pp. 26-27. ISSN 0254-380X.
19. Vikas, P A and Shinoj Subramannian.2022. Innovative approach to market live
fish at premium price- diversification initiative. Krishi Jagran. pp. 1-3. ISSN 2455-
20. F Pushparaj Anjelo and Shinoj Subramannian.2022. On Farm assessment of
Cassava Leaf extract biopesticide in controlling Banana Pseudostem Weevil and
popularization of the technology. Madras Agricultural Journal, 109 (7-9). pp. 92-
96. ISSN 2582-5321.
21. Kaladharan, P and Shinoj Subramannian and Anjelo, F
Pushparaj and Thulasidharan, Arun and Vysakhan, P.2021. Mulching brown
seaweed Sargassum wightii during transplant on the growth and yield of
paddy. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of India, 63 (1). pp. 117-121.
ISSN 2321-7898.
22. Vipinkumar, V P and Shinoj Subramannian and Aswani, N and Vikas, P
A and Sreelatha, P and Athira, P V and Gills, Reshma and Anuja, A
R and Ramachandran, C and Narayanakumar, R and Jeeva, Charles J.2021. Cage
farming of fish- A success story of SHGs. Marine Fisheries Information Service,
Technical and Extension Series, 250. pp. 28-29. ISSN 0254-380X.
23. Sivadasan, Smita K and Shinoj Subramannian. 2020. Comparison of Growth
Performance of Goat Kids under Supplementation with Different
Probiotics. Journal of Animal Research. pp. 1063-1065.
24. Vipinkumar, V P and Gills, Reshma and Swathi Lekshmi, P S and Narayanakumar,
R and Ramachandran, C and Shinoj Subramannian, and Vikas, P
A and Aswathy, N and Athira, P V and Ambrose, T V.2020. Women SHGs in the
Midst of Covid 19 Pandemic: A Cautionary Glimpse on a Transition in Kerala
Fisheries. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Biosciences, 8 (6). pp. 16-27. ISSN
2582 – 2845.
25. Sumithra, T G and Reshma, K J and Antony, Alan and Nair, V Anusree, Shinoj
Subramannian and Sayooj, P and Vijayagopal, P. 2019. Outlining Metabolic
Versatility of a Commercial Waste Composting Consortium in Fish Waste
Management. Fishery Technology, 56. pp. 68-73.
26. Meena, V K and Shinoj Subramannian and Edison, Shoji Joy and Dipti, N
V and Sivadasan, Smita K and Anjelo, F Pushparaj. 2017. Evaluation of Front Line
Demonstration of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in Ernakulam District of
Kerala, India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences
(IJCMAS), 6 (2). pp. 1818-1823.
27. Meena, V K and Shinoj Subramannian, Dipti, N V and Sivadasan, Smita
K .2016. Introduction of palak (Spinacia oleracea L.) in Ernakulam district of
Kerala through front line demonstration and on farm testing. Agricultural
Science Digest, 36 (2). pp. 130-133. ISSN 0253-150X.
28. Meena, V K and Shinoj Subramannian, and Anjelo, F Pushparaj and Dipti, N
V (2015) Popularization of maize among the small farmers of Ernakulam district
of Kerala through front line demonstration. Indian Journal of Agricultural
Research, 49 (6). pp. 558-561.
29. Shinoj Subramannian, Sivadasan, Smita K and Anjelo, F Pushparaj and Edison,
Shoji Joy and Vikas, P A and Sreelatha, P. 2023. Decade of Progress in Technology
Dissemination: Illustrated through Newspaper Clippings. Documentation.
Director, ICAR- Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, Kochi.