KVK (Ernakulam) supports in getting recognition of farmers innovations. A farmers innovation can be a small gadget designed by him to reduce drudgery or any new variety of crop/plant or any new combination of fertilizers or any treatment method which is used against pest or diseases or any similar breakthrough in the field of Agriculture. Such innovations are generally called as indigenous technology know-how which may help long way for other farmers at the same time the inventor should get recognition for the invention. This KVK has facility to register such innovations. Farmer innovators from Ernakulam may contact 9496303457 for registering their innovations.
National recognition for Innovative farmer
Farmer Innovator nominated by KVK, Shri. Sachithananthan Veliyath has been awarded the best farmer innovator award 2015-16 instituted by ICAR- Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi. His invention- Nutmeg Decorticating machine made him qualify for the award. The award was presented by Shri. Radha Mohan Singh, Union Minister for Agriculture during the Krishi Unnathi Mela held at Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), PUSA, New Delhi on 21st March 2016. Earlier in 2014, he was selected by KVK as best innovative farmer of Ernakulam district.

Farmer Innovator Felicitated
Director, Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute and chairman of KVK Dr. A.Gopalakrishnan felicitated farmer innovator, Shri. Sachidanandan Aduvassery on 5th May 2014. Shri. Sachidanandan was earlier selected by KVK as the best farmer innovator from Ernakulam district. His invention of Nutmeg decorticating machine was the best selected one. Interestingly, he has more than 35 innovations to his credit.