Farmers training conducted as part of Jal shakthi Abhiyaan

The Ernakulam KVK in collaboration with District Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) conducted farmer’s training on “Water management to boost productivity in Horticultural crops” at Kadungallur Grama Panchayath hall on 21st July 2022  as part of the prestigious Government of India Programme Jalshakthi Abhiyaan.  Shri. Suresh Muttathil, President, Kadungallur grama panchayat inaugurated the program who urged the participant to do all possible measures to conserve water and preserve public water bodies in the panchayath.  Shri. Shoji Joy Edison, Subject Matter Specialist was the resource person. Smt. Naeema Naushad Ali, Agricultural officer, Kadungallur​ , and ATMA- Block Technology Manager Shri Nishil T. K addressed farmers.