Innovative approach to market live fish at premium price- diversification initiative

Innovative approach to market live fish at premium price- diversification initiative

Vikas, P A and Subramannian, Shinoj (2022) Innovative approach to market live fish at premium price- diversification initiative. Krishi Jagran. pp. 1-3. ISSN 2455-8184

Fish vending is getting diversified like agriculture to meet the requirements of changing consumer preferences (Joshy et al 2007). Delivering dressed and ready-to-cook fish at consumer door steps is a popular method that gives lot of convenience to the consumers (Rujikiatkajorn 2003). However, there is a consumer segment who are concerned on fish quality and they prefers to visit the market and choose their fish._x000D_
Subsequent to media reports on adulteration in fish, there has been growing concern about the quality of fish sourced from the market also (Fiorino et al 2018). This has led to on-farm fish vending where the consumers visit the farm, see live fish, and purchase. Less road accessibility to most of the farms is a limitation (Diehl 2020). Live fish vending is an extension of on-farm fish vending where instead of consumers visiting the farm, live fish is transported to the market. This type of fish marketing is gaining popularity in recent times. The live fish vending unit can also be made mobile so as to reach the doorsteps of consumers._x000D_
Live fish vending requires skill and infrastructure to carefully harvest, transport, maintain, and handle the fish. Obviously, the cost would be high and maybe commercially viable only in limited places where the consumers are looking for quality products without considering the cost (Engle 2010). The present study evaluates the pros and cons of a live fish vending venture.

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