Introduction of palak (Spinacia oleracea L.) in Ernakulam district of Kerala through front line demonstration and on farm testing

Introduction of palak (Spinacia oleracea L.) in Ernakulam district of Kerala through front line demonstration and on farm testing

Meena, V K and Subramannian, Shinoj and Deepthi, N V and Sivadasan, Smita K (2016) Introduction of palak (Spinacia oleracea L.) in Ernakulam district of Kerala through front line demonstration and on farm testing. Agricultural Science Digest, 36 (2). pp. 130-133. ISSN 0253-150X

On Farm Testing (OFT) of palak were conducted in Ernakulam Krishi Vigyan Kendra during 2012-13. Highest green leaf vegetable yield (18.00.q/ha) was recorded in variety Harit Shobha and All Green in first year with farmers practice. Programme was continued in 2nd year under Front Line Demonstration (FLD). It was observed that Harit Shobha cultivar gave 20.0 q/ha-1 green leaf yields which was higher over All Green and farmers practice. An average yield of two cultivar Harit Shobha and All green was 15.5 q/ ha-1 and 17.7 q ha-1 in OFT and FLD, respectively. The average technology gap, extension gap and technology index of 2.9 q ha-1, 9.5 q ha-1 and 38 per cent and 1.8q ha-1, 7.5qha-1 and 30 per cent during first and second year, respectively. Technology index reduced from 38 to 30 per cent during the study period means technology was accepted by the farmers. As a result, 500 farmers initiated the small scale farming of palak in the district with the technical guidance provided from KVK.

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