Invasive black mussel Mytella strigata biofouling in brackish water cage fish farms

Invasive black mussel Mytella strigata biofouling in brackish water cage fish farms

Vikas, P A and Subramannian, Shinoj (2022) Invasive black mussel Mytella strigata biofouling in brackish water cage fish farms. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. pp. 1-8.

The American brackish water mussel invaded Kerala’s backwaters in 2019, and a complete eradication may not be possible at this point. Management protocols and strategies need to be developed to overcome the issue. Biological management against biofouling is a new possible approach, although it needs to be sustainable in aquaculture, where the sustainability of the method is important. The present study reports the success of a biological management strategy against biofouling of Mytella strigata by employing a native cichlid Etroplus suratensis (pearlspot), as they feed on bivalves. The study was conducted in the brackish water cage farm of a 1 ha area located at Veerampuzha backwaters, Ernakulam, in the southwest of Kerala. Pearlspot fishes were stocked inside and also in the gap between inner and outer nets of the test cages as the anti-biofouling agent. Pearlspot grew considerably by feeding on the mussel spat settled on the nets and removing a considerable amount of the fouling on the nets (287%), the increases in the average growth of seabass, in the survival rate, and in overall production of the cages.

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