The SPCs are established across the district in partner farmer’s fields to augment the capacity of KVK to supply more agro inputs to meet the increasing demand from farmers. SPCs are established in a public-private partnership mode under the strict quality control of KVK. This also help the partner farmer to realize more profit from unit area and assured income thereby improving his/her socio-economic status.
SPC-Cow products
KVK has established and managing two SPCs for preparation of various cow products such as Panchagavya, Enriched cowdung, Desi Gomutra one at Vengoor and another at Malayattoor. The partner farmers are Shri. C.T Dinoj, Cheruvallipaddy house, Paniyeli P.O. Vengoor and Shri.K.R.Ramanan, Kunnevalizhil house, Naduvattom P.O., Malayatoor panchayat. Since both the places are bordering forest area, quality gavyas are ensured as the cattle are only grazed and devoid of feeding artificial feeds.

SPC-Pearl spot fish seeds
One SPC that produce Pearlspot seeds is established in the field ofMr. Shibu C.V, Kocheri house, Kumbalangi South PO, Kochi-682 007, Ernakulam. Quality seeds are ensured as his field is located in a place surrounded by brackish water bodies which is most congenial for breeding of this particular fish in all seasons.

SPC-Kadaknath poultry
One SPC that produce Kadaknath poultry is established in the farm of Mr. Shobhanan, Kadamattussery, Kuzhupilly, Ernakulam. The day- old chicks of Pure Kadaknath poultry obtained by KVK from Central Poultry development Organisation (CPDO), Mumbai are reared till 60 days at this SPC and sold in KVK Sales Melas. Regular technological backstopping provided from KVK regarding technical aspects of brooding of chicks, vaccination, debeaking and monitored the units from time to time during vaccinations and rearing.

SPC-Planting materials
The planting material SPC of KVK is established at Brothers of St Joseph cottolengo, Palluruthy, Ernakulam, which is a rehabilitation centre for differently-abled youth. Vegetable seedlings, curry leaf and drumstick seedlings are produced and supplied from this unit. It is envisaged to scale up this SPC to provide all kinds of planting materials of district specific crops in the year 2016-17.

SPC- Micronutrients
KVK supply two types of micronutrients viz., Banana topUp and Vegetable TopUp respectively for Banana and Vegetables. These are produced and packed at KVK’s SPC-micronutrients at Edakkattuvayal run by Janani Activity Group, an all women self help group under Kudumabshree mission.

SPC-Fish manure
The SPC to produce KVKs fish manure-Fishlizer was established in the farm of Mr. Saiju T.P, Puthanthara, at Mulavukadu island near Ernakulam during January 2016. So far 1.5 MT fish wastes collected from Ernakulam fish market got processed into 900 kg Fishlizer and sold through KVK’s sales counter.