School Nutri-Gardens towards healthy habits among students

The Ernakulam KVK set up Nutri-Gardens in Schools funded by Prof.K.V.Thomas Vidhyadhanam Trust, an Ernakulam based NGO.  The project was inaugurated by Dr.Himanshu Pathak, Secretary, Dept. of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) & Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) at St.Peters Higher Secondary School, Kumbalanghi, Ernakulam on 11th October 2023. Nutrigarden comprising of 100 plants and micro irrigation system was set up in the school and 10 saplings each were distributed to all the 1500 students of the school for planting in their homesteads.  The objective of the programme is to create interest among school children towards farming and self production of quality and nutritional food materials. The project aims to set up Nutri-garden in 10 schools of the district.  Shri. K.J.Maxi, MLA presided over. Prof. K.V. Thomas, Ex Union minister for Agriculture and Managing Trustee of Prof.K.V.Thomas Vidhyadhanam trust, Dr.Shinoj Subramannian , Principal Scientist & Head, KVK and other dignitaries participated.