Seed production of Pearlspot (Etroplus suratensis) in natural ponds

Seed production of Pearlspot (Etroplus suratensis) in natural ponds

Vikas, P A and Subramannian, Shinoj (2022) Seed production of Pearlspot (Etroplus suratensis) in natural ponds. Journal of Applied Aquaculture. pp. 1-8.

Pearlspot (Etroplus suratensis) is an indigenous fish endemic to India and Sri Lanka. It is the state fish of Kerala and very popular in the main tourist destinations/cousins in Kerala. It is mainly collected from brackish water creeks and canals for domestic consumption. However, several environmental and ecological problems lead to the significant reduction of pearlspot in natural water bodies. The promotion of Pearlspot farming is the only sustainable solution for this crisis. Nevertheless, one of the main issues in Pearlspot farming is the lack of quality seeds in sufficient quantities to undertake commercial farming. Massive seed production is the only way to meet the ever-increasing demand for Pearlspot seed. Several attempts to produce Pearlspot seed stock under hatchery conditions have been unsuccessful. The present paper reports the methods to achieve the mass-scale seed production using pond based seed production method. In this, two brackishwater ponds, each with dimensions of 40 m × 50 m × 0.9 m and water access from the creek, were selected. Scientific procedures were followed to produce large Pearlspot seeds throughout the year. The technology ensures the production of 50,000 seeds from a single breeding pond of 0.5-acre area, which can meet the seed requirement for above 3 ha area. The present study proved that Pearlspot reproduction in natural ponds could produce seed stock on a commercial scale.

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