Swachh Bharath Abhiyan Initiatives at KVK
As part of the Swachh Bharat AbhiyanProgramme, KVK conducted one day cleaning cum awareness programme in Ernakulam fish market on 17th May 2017. Fish waste collected from the market was converted into manure at KVK’s Satellite fish manure production unit located at Mulavukad island. The finished products packed and marketed at KVK’s sales counter located at CMFRI, Kochi. 200 Kg of fish manure worth INR. 16,000 sold in the trade name “Fishlizer” .
Swachh bharath abhiyan envisages disposal of wastes to clean our premises. One of the programmes defined is to convert waste into organic manures and promoting organic farming. During the foundation day celebrations of ICAR held at Patna, 24-27 July 2015 the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India urged Agri scientists to participate in Swachh bharath abhiyan by doing such activities . Based on this KVK Ernakulam has initiated composting of marine fish waste into organic manure and branded as Fishlizer. The product was launched by Dr. AK Singh, Deputy Director General (Agricultural Extension) of ICAR on 14th August 2015 at ICAR-CMFRI. The marine fish waste from Ernakulam market is being collected and being composted. So far 1.5MTwaste processed and 900 kg Fishlizer sold through sales counter with the Swach Bharath Symbol in each packet. These wastes are otherwise dumped into public water bodies, road sides etc. creating hazards to public.

Honorable Prime minister’s call for Clean India (Swachh Bharath) initiated at KVK on 2nd October 2014 during Gandhi Jayanthi. The programme was commenced by staff taking cleanliness oath (Swachh Bharath shapath). Subsequently office and its premises were cleaned. The KVK team also cleaned mangrove forests located by side of the backwaters in KVK campus. Huge quantities of plastic wastes were removed from the root zone of mangrove ecosystem which is the natural habitat and breeding place for brackish water fish species. On this historic day, KVK urged all its partner farmers, colleagues and all citizens of India to work towards a Clean India.