Shri. Shoji Joy Edison
Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture)
Email: shinoj@cmfri.org.in
Mobile: 9746469404
Educational Qualifications and work experience
He did M Sc in Horticulture (2years) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute (Allahabad University), India with 1st Class in 1999, and B Sc Agriculture (4 years) from Allahabad Agricultural Institute (Allahabad University), India with 1st Class in 1997. He also qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) by Indian Council of Agriculture Research in the professional subject (Horticulture- Vegetable Science) in 2001.
He worked as Senior Research Fellow (Horticulture) at Division of Vegetable crops (Indian Agriculture Research Institute, New Delhi) from 1999 to 2003. He started his career in Krishi Vijyan Kendras in 2003 as Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) at Directorate of Extension, Allahabad Agricultural Institute-Deemed University in Krishi Gyan Kendras at Kaushambi and Pratapgarh districts , under the university.During 2008, He joined as Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) at Mitraniketan Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vellanad, Trivandrum.He worked as Manager (Maintenance) at Irrigation Trade Middle East (ITME) LLC in Dubai during 2008 to 2010.He is working as Subject Matter Specialist (Horticulture) at KVK of CMFRI from January 2010 onwords.
Areas of Expertise
Irrigation and Landscape execution and Maintenance.Nursery management and Production Technology and management of Horticultural crops, Horticultural extension activities/ Project Management,Organic farming of Horticultural crops,Vegetable breeding technology.
- Research Papers/ Abstracts : 4 Nos
- Popular articles : 8 Nos
- Radio/ TV talks
- Radio Talk : 6
- Doordarshan (Allahabad) : 1
- Video conferencing (Sahara Samay) : 1