Unraveling the effects of live microalgal enrichment on Artemia nauplii

Unraveling the effects of live microalgal enrichment on Artemia nauplii

Vikas, P A and Chakraborty, Kajal and Sajesh Kumar, N K and Thomas, P C and Sanil, N K and Vijayan, K K (2012) Unraveling the effects of live microalgal enrichment on Artemia nauplii. Indian Journal of Fisheries, 59 (4). pp. 111-121.

Artemia nauplii, though deficient in many essential nutrients, are used extensively in fish/shellfish larviculture. Enrichment_x000D_
using various diets can enhance their nutrient profile to the required level. The present study examines the effects of enrichment_x000D_
of Artemia nauplii with live microalgae viz., Pavlova viridis, Isochrysis galbana, Nannochloropsis oculata and Dicrateria_x000D_
inornata. Total length and width, survival percentage and the fatty acid profile of the microalgae enriched and unenriched_x000D_
nuaplii were estimated at 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 h time intervals. No significant increase in total length and width was observed_x000D_
between the enriched and unenriched Artemia nauplii during the study, indicating the absence of any enrichment diet_x000D_
induced growth rate of the nauplii. Salinity stress study revealed that the microalgae enriched nauplii can live long in low_x000D_
saline conditions than the unenriched nauplii. The total PUFA content of the live microalgae enriched nauplii reached maximum_x000D_
at 7 h post-enrichment followed by a significant drop after 9 h. The results of the study indicated that live microalgae can be_x000D_
used as excellent enrichment dietary sources for Artemia nauplii, which in turn can provide many of the vital nutrients_x000D_
essential for fish larviculture.


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